Thursday, October 21, 2010

The True Beauty of Recycling

This is my first try at inserting a photo into this blog. 

The photo in question is my "new" deck furniture.  Actually, it's been around for a while.  Mark's parents bought the furniture sometime in the late sixties or early seventies.  It graced the exterior of their home for decades until they recently moved into an adult living facility.  Many a conversation has been had, rocking back and forth in these old chairs.  Many a moment savored, gazing out over Pullman, enjoying the summers on the Palouse.

The bodies of the chairs and footstools were solid, although they were carrying a little rust and wear.  The cushions were the most "lovely" seventies print, yellow with large brown flowers...plastic.  They looked a little rugged when we picked them up, but I couldn't put them in the yard sale, as I could see their bones...good bones.

Mark loving used steel wool and took off years of rusting.  Then, he bought some white "Rustoleum" and went to work, bringing back the gleam they must have had on the showroom floor way back when.  We are running low in the cash department, but somehow these great blue and green cushions were on a sale rack at Home Depot, and we couldn't resist...and now they have new life, and they grace our deck, enhancing an already spectacular view.

Wait for comes the metaphor.

Though age may wear us down, and we may show the years we have lived, we are not useless and we are not forgotten.  (Also, a good scrubbing and a new outfit never hurts.)

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